Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Foster Care: Our First Placement

This weekend was a busy busy one lol.
Friday around 1pm I got a call for a placement and my husband and I agreed to take it.
So at 6:30pm they arrived, dirty faces, snotty noses and teary eyes.
Twin 2 year olds (boy&girl) and a 9 year old boy.
Yes we are crazy to take three our first placement. Yes we are crazy to take twins
And yes, we were overwhelmed immediately.
But like they say it gets better. Friday night was full of lots of tears and rocking the little ones to sleep. I have not slept a whole night since. Baby girl gets up every night at 1:30 like clock work and I have to curl up in the toddler bed with her to get her to go back to sleep.
Saturday we made a run to Wal Mart. They came with no diaper or wipes and very little clothing. Luckily we had been collecting clothing from family and friends and we had a few things the little ones fit into. We also had to purchase a table booster and car seat because we never expected twins so we only had one each. That night there was less crying.
Sunday morning we got everyone up and ready and went to church. Its funny something so common to us like church on Sunday is so different to little ones that have never been. But they all seemed to enjoy it. Baby girl is already clingy to me so I was surprised she stayed in the nursery the whole time. So proud of her and the boys! That night we figured it out.... My husband played the guitar and sang to the babies while I laid with them and they went to sleep without crying!
Each day is a little better. Baby boy is coming out of his shell and turing out to be quite the ham lol. They are all adjusting very well and very quickly. In fact they didn't even cry on the way home from visitation yesterday! I thank God that they feel comfortable and loved here in our home. I know He will give us the strength and patience to love these kiddos till they are back home with family.